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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Due to Recent Developments...

Some slight changes in plan

These changes are pretty normal, no plan ever seems to go perfectly in my experience.

I had to put opening my office and honestly my business in general on the back burner for the last few weeks, which is the biggest reason for my lack of activity lately, which a apologize for.  The last few weeks of school are kicking my butt at the moment, coupled with my family responsibilities and the fact that my wife is now pregnant with our second child.

I have decided to abandon my associates degree for the time being.  Frankly, the commute and the amount of extra stress is just not needed yet.  I do plan on pursuing a COMPTIA A+ certificate, along with NET+ soon.  These to certifications will do what my associates degree would do anyway, which is prove that I have entry-level computer knowledge at least and that I have some specialization in networking.  As an added bonus, I can get these certifications in far less time and for a fraction of the cost.  I will start working with A+ for Dummies, and will probably purchase a course that includes test vouchers to expand my learning and get a second source of info.  I will include the course here when I decide which one I am going with, but for now I need to get through the last few weeks of school.

As far as advertising goes, I have been sticking with old-school tried-and-true methods like business cards, fliers, and word of mouth.  I don't have any referral cards yet, but I have heard and read that a referral system works wonders.  So, I plan on giving a $10 discount for every referral made, i.e. every time I get a new customer from Joe, Joe gets $10 off his next bill.  I don't plan on doing a lot of web advertising, since I do not plan on serving clients on a global or national scale and web advertising would target people that I simply cannot serve.  Business cards, fliers, and hopefully some good word of mouth advertising for now, and I will re-vamp if necessary if I find that to be insufficient.

I have had a few new projects, most interestingly a couple of iPhones.  Due to the recent firmware updates (6.1.3 for older devices, 6.1.4 for iPhone 5), iPhones are currently unable to be jail broken like they used to if they are running the latest firmware.  This has hindered my attempts to jailbreak and unlock a CDMA iPhone 4 that I acquired.  There is a work-around that allows an semi-tethered jailbreak for the latest firmware offered by redsn0w, but honestly I have had very little luck with it.  The other phone I have not played around with much, but I do know that it is on an earlier version of the firmware.  This means that I might be able to update it to 6.0 and jailbreak/unlock it in that state.  I will try to keep notes and post a quick walk-through on it when I get to that project.

Bear with me guys, the good stuff is coming!

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